Yes, thanksliving, meaning we are thankful our beautiful baby girl is alive. Our thanksgiving holiday was cut short this year by a sick baby. Cora started feeling bad last Saturday, before Thanksgiving, congested and the like. We went to the doc and he said she was just congested and needed a work of the bulb syringe. Try as we may, we didn't have much success with the thing and by Wednesday, Cora wasn't doing well at all. She'd developed a cough and a loss of appetite. We decided to go to Kentucky only for the day on Thursday and drive back home that evening. Cora enjoyed meeting her great aunts and many cousins and they enjoyed spoiling her rotten, from what I could tell.
Friday morning, back in Chatt, we took Cora in to the doctor's office. They checked her pulsox ---oxygen level in the blood-- and it was very low, an 81. She was asleep, so we woke her up and it went up to a 93, but was mainly resting around the high 80's, which isn't good. The doctor sent us to the children's hospital immediately and had us admit her. They tested her for RSV, a respiratory virus. She tested negative, but was diagnosed with Bronchiolitis, which is also a respiratory virus. She received breathing treatments about every two hours Friday. Albuterol being the drug of choice, made her quite hyper and FUSSEEEEEE! Her little nose was "hoovered" about every hour, too, to get all the mucous out. Let's just say, Geron and I were absolutely exhausted that evening. We stayed at the hospital with her, of course, and managed to get some sleep. We were sent home Saturday afternoon with a nebulizer to give Cora breathing treatments at home.
Granny (my mom) has come down to care for Cora while we work this week since she is contagious and can't go to TonTon's house this week. I think she is missing her friends, especially Bailey, the dog, but she and Granny are getting along well. She is still coughing a bit, but her breathing is slowing back down and her appetite is gradually returning to normal. Please keep us in your prayers this week as she continues to recover.
We have a darling picture of Cora in her oversized hospital gown--just like an adult's with the ties in the back. My fav' is one of her with her backside to us and her Elmo pamper is showing through the opening in the back of the gown. Even when she's sick, she's adorable!